Category Archives: vpn

Network Configuration and Services

I have written a lot of drivel previously about the various aspects of managing network service, as I’ve tried to figure out the improvements that have been made in linux networking over the last 30 years. I don’t read the kernel threads, and don’t know what’s happening a lot of the time, and haven’t been good about being attentive to release notes, so I get behind and then have to catch up. Previous efforts to catch up have usually been in a hurry when something was busted, and weren’t comprehensive.

This time I have tried to be a bit more comprehensive, so I could settle on the set of solutions and tools I am going to use on the 20 or so different boxes where I have to set this stuff up. A few of them actually need something special, but not most of them. Still, things have to be consistent, and I need to know what I’m doing – at least better than I previously did.

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IPv6 Re-implementation

This is a follow up to the activities in IPv6 implementation, which was published on March 2nd and revised up through March 19th, as new challenges were addressed. Since March 19th a great deal of what I wrote has been revised, as I have learned a lot more.

The main issue was that there remained a number of problems with the implementation of IPv6 in my residence.

  • The biggest was the question how to handle the delegated prefix, particularly in renumbering. Over the course of the last several months I have to note that Comcast has never changed my prefix, except early on, when I forced it to do so by changing my DUID. And I don’t think it likely that my prefix would change unless some great catastrophe befalls which results in my being down for a very extended period – like 30 days; or more likely there is some change in my service (a change in ISP, or perhaps fiber arriving in my area).
  • The first implementation required that I make patches to the code of my router. This meant that I would have to figure out how to carry those patches forward in the event of firmware updates from Ubiquiti, the maker of the Edgerouter-X that I am using.
  • The implementation was pretty fragile, with a lot of unrelated bits in different places. In particular there was a lot of hand-waving in trying to assign and maintain a separate network for the virtual machines on one of the interior boxes.
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IPv6 implementation

This post describes my first attempt at implementation of IPv6, a process that took place over a span of a couple of months. After this was done, and was working, a “better way” emerged, which will be the subject of an additional post. I leave this in here for the sake of documenting what I did the first time, but in the unlikely event that anyone finds this while looking on the net for information about implementing a similar arrangement, I urge you to find the other post, and read it as well. This implementation was fragile.

A few weeks back (10 Feb) my friend Mr. G and I exchanged an email in which he said of a possible project “…but this would be an opportunity to learn IPv6”, reminding me that I have for a long time wanted to learn more about IPv6. Part of the genesis of that email conversation was a recent switch by my brother-in-law to a new ISP that employed CGN, so called Carrier Grade Nat, which had disrupted arrangements I had in place for reaching my brother-in-law’s home network. Mr G. opined that the move towards CGN, and other things the ISPs were doing, raised the specter that someday, perhaps sooner than we expect, anyone desiring to do more with their network than occasionally use a browser would find ourselves having to move to ipv6.

More, I have actually wanted to use IPv6 for a long while, but had been under the impression (erroneously) that Comcast really wasn’t ready for this, that all they would give me was a 6to4 tunnel, which I barely understood anyway.

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Odd VPN Problem

I have had trouble twice now with modifying a working vpn configuration, and then being unable to get it to start. Both times I never actually solved it, so much as eliminating the problem by switching to a different nordvpn config file.

There was a penetration at nordvpn in which some passwords and userinfo were leaked. I wanted to change my password, and did, and had to get into the vpn router and change it there. And after I did the vpn just would not start. Eventually, I switched to another vpn endpoint, put in a new .conf file in /etc/openvpn/client and it came right up.

I don’t know what this is about.

March 26, 2021: I spent all morning on this again. I was changing scripts on Rosemary and also, double and triple checking that I did not allow IPv6 on obelisk/rosemary (if routable IPv6 addresses are available they will be used in preference to the IPv4 vpn, which is the whole point of obelisk). After a reboot of obelisk, it lost dns. I spent several hours trying to solve this, most of the time spent on obelisk. The vpn would come up, and I could ping raw addresses, but the dns wouldn’t work. I don’t even see what this has to do with the vpn tunnel.

Yet in the end, out of desperation, I tried bringing in a new nordvpn conf file (actually it comes in as an ovpn file, and once I put a password link in it it is saved as a conf file). A link in /etc/openvpn points to whichever of these is active. So I installed a new one, rebooted the router (again), and like magic it began to work.

Adding a VPN Router to the network

The topology for the handling of downloads of stuff via a vpn previously involved a vpn client directly on rosemary. The problem with this was that sometimes the vpn would fail – it would get disconnected from the remote end. If I didn’t realize this, and started a download, it would be in the clear.

I thought a better solution was to have a separate router (herein the “vpn” router) between rosemary and the external router, and to have that router establish a constant vpn through it’s wan interface, through the external router. Everything that connected to a lan port on the vpn router would be protected. Rosemary would then use the vpn router as its path to the internet. Everything that rosemary sends or receives from the internet would come exclusively through the vpn router.

Continue reading Adding a VPN Router to the network

Setting Up Openvpn Server

The objective of this project was to install a vpn server on one of the boxes in the cloud (initially asafoetida, then moved to tarragon), in order to provide a VPN server service for a friend who was traveling. My friend uses the name Darrell for his client, so in what follows the vpn is called by this name.

Create a Certificate Authority

A lot of the instructions, even from openvpn site, say to use the “easyrsa” package to generate the certificates for openvpn. This package seems to be put out by the openvpn boys, or at least with their cooperation. But I didn’t do that. I created a ca with raw openssl.

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