I haven’t done any serious security scanning since playing around with Nessus back in 2006. I decided that I needed to do this, not only on my own servers but on those that I managed for others. It would be very embarrassing to get hacked.
So first I grabbed up Nessus, and discovered that it has, in the meantime, become a mostly commercial product. There is an open source spin called OpenVAS. This is about setting that up.
OpenVAS itself has two parts, and it comes with a third part from a company called Greenbone Security which is a web frontend. The two parts of openvas are the scanner (openvassd) and the manager (openvasmd) while the front end is gsad.
I installed them with dnf, as they are packaged with fedora. This creates a dozen bin files, an /etc/openvas & /etc/pki/openvas, a /var/lib/openvas, and systemd scripts. A good way to go through the setup process is to use openvas-check-setup, which will give clues to what you should do next.
First step was openvas-mkcert which builds a self-signed cert in /etc/pki/openvas. Next step was to install a “redis” server (dnf install redis), and fix its config file with unixsocket /tmp/redis.sock. systemctl enable redis; systemctl start redis.sock. Another step that is needed before downloading the “nvt” files, is to set up a gpg key. Some of the instructions wanted the gnupg directory in /etc/openvas, but the fedora install creates a gnupg directory in /var/lib/openvas, so I used that. Then I downloaded the nvt files (openvas-nvt-sync) and also did openvas-scapdata-sync and openvas-certdata-sync.
I was unsuccessful with checking for signed nvt scripts on either tarragon or oregano. The openvassd scanner (systemctl start openvas-scanner) won’t run with the parameter in /etc/openvas/openvassd.conf set to check the script sigs.
When the instructions said to start the scanner, and then run the manager with the –rebuild option, I started the scanner with systemctl but did the manager with openvasmd –rebuild, to build the “tasks” database.
After that I enabled and started openvas-manager and openvas-gsa (had already enabled and started openvas-scanner).
To use this on tarragon I use an ssh tunnel rather than opening up another port there. It must be connected to using https.