I have a dozen or so boxes, mostly little raspberry pis, out in people’s houses which let me do backups for them, and attach to their networks. I’ve documented this before in “Gateway pi”, “Memory on the Gateway Pi”, and “Timemachine on Gateway pi” for example.
Connection between these boxes and my house is with SSH, and I use openssh certificates as described in “Using openssh certificates” and “Re-signing Openssh Certificates”. However, there has always been a little nagging problem, which is that these boxes must (re-)establish their connection to me automatically upon reboot, without user intervention. This means that the private keys that accompany the certificates cannot be encrypted, for that would require human intervention.
So there is a risk. Those raspberry pis have upon them a certificate and a private key which would enable access to boxes in my house. Not completely unrestricted access, and not root access, but nevertheless.
Continue reading Protecting ssh