After installing ubuntu 15.04 my backups to S3 stopped working.
I tried running them manually to see what was happening and I got errors – some goofy stuff about the url I was using net.wmbuck.backups… not being part of * When I searched the net I found that there was a change in python 2.7.9 having to do with evaluating certificates, and some conflict with the wildcard cert being used by Amazon S3, with the result that there is an error which occurs whenever an S3 bucket happens to contain the “.” character in its title.
My buckets are all named net.wmbuck.x so I am vulnerable to this error.
There is a fix for this in S3cmd version 1.6.0 but the latest ubuntu as of this writing has only S3cmd 1.5.x and attempting to upgrade using apt-get doesn’t get anything new.
I did an apt-get remove of s3cmd, and then downloaded a tarball, and installed it into /usr/local/bin.
Ubuntu 15.10 will be coming out next month, and when I get around to installing that perhaps the version of s3cmd will have the fix.