I set up a new server instance on Amazon, tarragon_3, which is Fedora 22. I’ve had a lot of trouble over the years with clamav and amavisd, mostly with the nonsense about having to mess about with the user under which clamav runs, allowing a shared group, location of the socket, ability to create logs. I’ve never had it operate satifsactorily for a long time, and never looked into why. I resolved to look closer this time.
I installed amavisd-new clamav clamav-server-systemd clamav-scanner clamav-update. I am not sure but I think:
clamav is the basic package, and has the engine, and perhaps libraries;
clamav-server-systemd is the machinery to start the clam daemon under systemd;
clamav-scanner I expect has clamscan and clamdscan for command line scanning;
clamav-update is probably freshclam, the stuff for getting updates.
Initially, I was making the same sort of blind changes I’d made in the past, but I read around a little. It seems that some of this has been changed, so I’m trying a new approach. I’m somewhat following instructions in http://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=Fedora_21&p=mail&f=6. Part of the reason for trusting those instructions a little is that they refer to new things which are in the distro, for example, the /etc/tmpfiles.d which I haven’t seen before now. So I think the instructions are relatively recent. On the other hand, the instructions called for modifying /usr/lib/systemd/system/clamd@.service, which is simply wrong.
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